Thursday, December 10, 2009

CHiu-Stream Fail

My post for the Francis Manapul interview with Bobby Chiu. Epic Fail on my part as I entered it right before the deadline and I didnt know it needed to be voted on as Francis was only voting on the top three... $#!+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I really wanted was Francis to check it out, I wasn't thinking I would win or anything, just wanted to show one of my favourite artists my work. Oh well, the coloring on this was done rather quickly and feels very rushed but all in all I still felt that this was a good idea. While everyone else posted up single-shot images I went for telling a story rather than just a nice pin-up. Enjoy...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Inking Attempt

So here's me trying my hand at Inking a Pro's pencils digitally. All in all I think it turned out quit nice. Pencils are by the late Mike Wieringo, a man who truly kept the fun in comics when most styles went towards the grim and gritty.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Along comes a Rogue

Part two of my warmup project... not much else to say. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Warmup project

So the daily thing is most definetly out the window so I'll just start posting when I can. This is the start of what I hope turns out to be an awesome lil project. Everytime I sit down to draw I am going to do a warm-up by turning an X-Man into a kid. Heres Lil Wolvie to start. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

In Lieu of Halloween

Heres a drawing I did for a friend

Friday, October 30, 2009

So Late...

Alright so that was an Epic fail on my part for the daily post but here we go to make up for lost time. Here is a couple Tattoo designs I've done for friends, maybe later I'll post pics of the actual Tattoos.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to Mars

My sketchbook that is. Hi, I'm Mike Mars and welcome to what I hope to be a daily sketch blog. As an aspiring comic artist I plan on someday reaching the whole world with my work. That plan has already started with the "Chosen Defects", a web-comic that has been in the works waiting to be unleashed. No art for today but stop on by to for a small sampling of the work in the world of Mars.